In this first exercise of the Olympics tool, we work with life needs.
Every person has life needs. They can be material needs, like “money” and “food and drink”. They can also be immaterial needs, such as “being myself” and “respect”.
In our Western society, work often provides an answer to various other needs in life: the basic needs, the need for security, the need for acceptance, the need for self-development.
There is also something strange about work. In our Western culture, it is indeed an answer to various needs in life. At the same time, in order to find work, to be strong enough for the labour market, a number of other ‘lower’ life needs must first be sufficiently satisfied.
Moreover, in our Western society, work is a ‘primary good’. This is not true in all cultures. It is therefore quite conceivable that your coachee will look at work with different eyes than you.
In this exercise, we look at the coachee as a person rather than as a job seeker. We want to discover whether he is sufficiently ready for the labour market.