Training for job coaches
Build a CV narrative with the Olympic Tool
This training will give you the tools to develop a CV-narrative together with your coachee. This narrative concisely describes the strengths of your coachee and what he needs to perform optimally in a Flemish workplace. It is the short, powerful elevator pitch at the beginning of the CV that convinces the employer to invite the coachee for a job interview. The narrative is therefore the attention-grabber in your coachee's CV. The course consists of four modules.
When coaching job seekers with a migration background, you are implicitly working with other cultures: various insights and beliefs, norms and values, which may be different from yours. Many other factors make the cultural differences even greater: gender, income, family situation, etc. Dealing with this properly requires culturally sensitive action 2.0. Agentschap Integratie en Inburgering combines its expertise in a training course 'Culture Sensitive Coaching 2.0' tailored to job coaches. Intersectionality and dealing with prejudice are central to this course.
Het Agentschap Integratie en Inburgering brings together its expertise in a training course 'Culture Sensitive Coaching 2.0' tailored to job coaches. Crossroads thinking and dealing with prejudices are central to this course.
View a brief content here .
When coaching job seekers from a migrant background towards employment, it is important to be aware of the impact of migration. This is because various migratory pains can affect the psychosocial well-being of your coachee in the workplace. Despite all of this, these job seekers often want to move forward quickly and make a meaningful contribution to this new society. As a job coach, you can make an enormous contribution to this.
In this module Solentra goes through the psychological mechanisms that are associated with migration, which you, as a coach, should take into account in order to offer good guidance. In addition, you will gain inspiring insights into how you, as a coach, can stimulate the resilience of your coachee, reinforce his professional identity again, mobilize the community and allow your coachee to reconnect.
View a brief content here .
The Olympic tool shows the strengths and growth margin of the jobseeker with a migration background. This is done through five exercises. These exercises will allow you to distill the key ingredients for a personal CV narrative for your coachee. This powerful statement at the beginning of the resume significantly increases his chances of employment.
In this module Stebo introduces you to the exercises and accompanying material of the Olympic tool. You will discover that the Olympic tool is not a straigthjacket, but that it can be used openly and flexibly. It can also easily be combined with other tools.
View a brief content here .
More info and materials to download for free:
In this online module with Agentschap Integratie en Inburgering, Solentra and Stebo, you can ask questions and share experiences about:
- Culture-sensitive coaching towards employment
- Turning migration pains into employment opportunities
- The Olympic tool
Interested? Register here for the next training course.
Other training topics
Appreciative coaching
In this training you practice a conversation technique in which you invite the job-seeker with a migration background in a positive and inquisitive way to get to know himself better. Together you will discover the talents and motives of your client and increase his self-confidence (so that he will take action more quickly).
After completing this course, you can participate in an intervision.
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Group process 'Future Buddies'
During this training your clients (jobseekers with a migration background) go through a group process via the game 'Future Buddies'. This stimulates them to discover and apply each other's and their own energy boosters (qualities, values, sources of inspiration, relationships, etc.).
The game is based on Appreciative Inquiry. This approach promotes the self-knowledge of participants, stimulates their integration in the labor market and leads to a step-by-step plan that you as a coach can use as a guideline throughout your coaching. The game can also be combined with the digital tool toekomstm@ker.
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Clearly spoken and/or written language
This training makes you aware of your own use of language. With the help of tips and tricks, you will learn how to communicate in an interactive way with jobseekers with a migration background.
You will learn to translate documents and discussion guidelines into clear and simple language. For this purpose, you will work with your own texts: letters, vacancies, brochures, regulations, safety instructions, HR documents, newsletters, website, e-mails, etc.
After completing this course, you can participate in an intervision.
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Agentschap Integratie en Inburgering
Effective communication
During this training you will discover what ways there are to remove language barriers and to apply means of communication. You will learn which forms of communication you can use at each language level: when to use social interpreters, use pictograms or apps, start up Dutch exercises, etc. In the meantime, get to know it here > de communicatiewaaier en het beslismodel.
After completing this course, you can participate in an intervision.
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Basic and advanced language coaching in the Workplace
In a 2-day training you will learn about the basic principles of language acquisition with adults. Through exercises and practical examples you learn how to stimulate speaking skills and how to lower language barriers. You learn what role the employer, employee and his environment, and you as a coach can play in this. In an advanced, in-depth course you learn how to further integrate the methods of the basic training in the workplace.
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Approaching employers in a demand-driven way
In this training you will not only gain insight into the position and expectations of employers, but more importantly you will learn techniques to engage with employers and increase their need for the services you can provide.
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Does your offer fit with what employers want?
The essence behind every purchase, whether the customer is an individual or a business, is that the product or service removes a sticking point or obstacle for the customer or that it provides them with a benefit. How does your organization provide a benefit to employers? How do you remove pain points for the employer?
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Identify the financial costs and benefits for employers
During this training you will learn to make the financial costs and benefits of employing a worker with a large distance to the labor market transparent to employers.
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Intervisions for job coaches
Are you active in approaching employers for the placement of job seekers with a migration background? During intervision you reflect on personal and job-related issues, bottlenecks from your own work situation and the way to address them as effectively as possible. You share your views with colleagues and learn from discussing different approaches.
You will be mentored by an expert intervision coach, who will provide methodologies and facilitate participants to reach insights and/or solutions in a structured way.
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Employment of foreign nationals
During this training you will receive a structured overview of the regulations concerning the employment of foreign workers, self-employed individuals or volunteers. You will learn the difference between work migration and other types of migration, who is authorized to work, and where to go with specific questions.
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Agentschap Integratie en Inburgering
Work permits and professional cards
During this training you will gain a structured overview of the regulations concerning the different types of work and professional cards and permits for specific target groups such as asylum seekers, beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, recognized refugees and non-Belgians. You will also have the opportunity to present concrete cases to Wim Thiry, lawyer specialized in immigration law.
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